Solutions for:


Versatility and elegance.


Pleated Light is a selection of very trendy stone and sand colored fabrics. It is a perfect choice for those who are looking for a very modern decoration.

The options in this collection range from a thicker fabric, as is the case with the Must Mist Grey, to the Change Taupe-White with its white to taupe gradient.

The Earth fabric also stands out for its fine natural texture and how easily it can be combined with neutral, sandy and dark tones.

In general, these fabrics are light, sturdy and do not require special care. If cleaning is required, it can be done easily by wiping with a damp cloth.


  • IgnífugoIgnífugo
  • Oeko-texOeko-tex


  • AspireAspire
  • No spongeNo sponge

Products and systems