Solutions for:

Mattiz Ignis Nacar

Visual and thermal efficiency.


From Bandalux's collection of reflective fabrics, the Mattiz Ignis Nacar is the most decorative.

It is a translucent fabric with a natural grain texture that comes in a range of basic colors. It brings a touch of warmth to home decoration or to an office or work environment.

It stands out for its thermal properties, allowing neither heat nor cold to interfere with the space's atmosphere. Thanks to Mattiz Ignis Nacar fabrics, glass reflections are avoided while still enjoying the benefits of natural light in the space.

It is a fireproof fabric, which prevents the spread of fire. It is environmentally friendly and does not contain hazardous substances.


  • IgnífugoIgnífugo
  • RecyclableRecyclable
  • Oeko-texOeko-tex


  • Do not submergeDo not submerge
  • AspireAspire
  • Do not rubDo not rub

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