Solutions for:

Ecoplanet Ignis

Elegant fabric 100% recycled.


Ecoplanet Ignis is another of Bandalux's commitments to eco-friendly fabrics. It is a sustainable fabric, 100% recycled PET, made from reused bottles. Environmentally sound and health friendly, 100% recyclable.

Unlike the Planet Ignis collection, it has much more of a woven texture, light and fine, with a sophisticated relief that creates an elegant optical effect as the light passes through. It has a 3% openness and maintains the same visibility to the outside as a Polyscreen® fabric.

It is certified with the Cradle to Cradle (C2C) seal of the circular economy. 


  • IgnífugoIgnífugo
  • Cradle cradleCradle cradle
  • GreenguardGreenguard
  • RecyclableRecyclable


  • AspireAspire
  • SpongeSponge
  • Do not submergeDo not submerge
  • Do not rubDo not rub

Products and systems